Tag Archives: connecting

Connect, Share, Express

In a previous post, I mentioned using social networking sites to help you through your healthy life. There are social networking sites out there designed to encourage your healthy lifestyle. Here are a few I have tried and love:

Screen Shot 2015-02-12 at 3.46.32 PMMyFitnessPal is a social networking website and application that can be used on the computer or your smartphone. On the site, you can enter what you have ate that day to help you count all of your calories. You can also enter the exercise you completed to help you determine how many calories you actually consumed. You can connect with others by discussing your health and fitness goals through a message board. The messaging boards range from all sorts of topics. Success stories, losing weight, maintaining weight, or fitness and exercise are just a few.

There are many more health based social networking sites that I would like to try. Workout SpoScreen Shot 2015-02-12 at 8.08.51 PMts is a site that allows you to connect to others in your area to find gyms and fitness classes. Weight Loss Waris a social networking site that allows you to compete with others while fighting toward your goals.

You don’t have to choose a networking site purely based on weight loss or fitness. If you are tired of Facebook or Twitter, try some of the new social networking sites out there. An important part of a healthy lifestyle is to be happy and express yourself.

In my Journalism 2.0 class, we learned of many brand new, social networking sites. My favorite site we learned about is called We Heart It. After class, I signed up for an account myself to check it out. It is a social networking site much like Pinterest. It allows you to explore creative images and create a board for yourself. One of my boards is based on healthy images I find. Instantly, I was hooked on this new site. Here is a little taste of my profile.Screen Shot 2015-02-12 at 8.49.19 PM

Try a social networking site that allows you to connect to others and express yourself. Along the way, you will learn from connecting with similar people and be able to share your interests. There are so new sites to pick from so, start browsing!